Dear God...why does everyone say the meanest thing on their mind?
Dear God,
I was wondering the other day about this one...why do we say the meanest things that are on our mind and yet when it comes to the blessing we hold back. I know how important it is to say positive things and to train my children to do the same, but it sometimes seems like such a hard task.
I know that for the last few years you have really been teaching me to bless others with my tongue and I have implemented that into my life, but it seems that the one time a month I seem to have a melt down everyone is quick to throw it in my face.
I was listening to a conversation of a women in the grocery store walking around close to where I was shopping the other day and was shocked at the horrible things that were coming out of her mouth...she was bad mouthing her friends and she was not even caring that anyone could hear her.
I was wondering the other day about this one...why do we say the meanest things that are on our mind and yet when it comes to the blessing we hold back. I know how important it is to say positive things and to train my children to do the same, but it sometimes seems like such a hard task.
I know that for the last few years you have really been teaching me to bless others with my tongue and I have implemented that into my life, but it seems that the one time a month I seem to have a melt down everyone is quick to throw it in my face.
I was listening to a conversation of a women in the grocery store walking around close to where I was shopping the other day and was shocked at the horrible things that were coming out of her mouth...she was bad mouthing her friends and she was not even caring that anyone could hear her.