My year of the Kindness Quest

                                    KINDNESS QUEST 2018
Eric Pothoven..Husband of 24 years and love of my life.
He has been the kindest person in my life that I have ever met…usually but he's not perfect


I took almost an entire year off of writing on my blog.  That makes me ill.

I had something to say, I just did not choose to say it.

I have been in deep thought about the opportunity to be Kindness to people.

I have given it freely and noticed it everywhere since picking it as my word for 2018.

Whenever this word would come up in a book, or on a wall, or in a sentence, I would spring into action knowing that I had the chance to be reminded I could chose kindness over and over and over again.  I have failed and succeeded and failed and succeeded and you get the point.

11 LESSONS on my 11 month Quest for Kindness

1.  It is better to keep my mouth shut than to say something unkind.

2. Opportunities to bless and to curse with my mouth with come up hundreds if not thousands of times a day…choose to bless, this is kindness in action.

3.  Kindness is a lifestyle I must choose.

4.  The struggle is real to be unkind (active and present)…be aware of this.  I did not see the struggle clearly until I chose to focus on it.

5. It freaks people out when you are kind to them and they don't know you…but they can be won over instantly by a kind word. 

6. I am a failure often at kindness.

7. I have people in my life who will never see the strides of movement in a forward direction of positivity…they love to live in the past and regret.  They are my challenge in Kindness.

8. It is hard to be kind when you are being yelled at.  This is one of those times when you should invoke lesson number one.

9. Kindness from God gives me the ability to offer kindness to others.

10. An Act of Kindness can change your whole life.
Titus 3:4-7 
But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

The Greek word used in this verse translated kindness is XRESTOTES  it is derived from a noun XRESTOS, " useful or profitable"- properly, usable, well-fit for use (for what is really needed); kindness that is also serviceable 

PS my Dad is a Greek Theologian and gifted me this wonderful program called the Discovery Bible…this is were I looked up the info on this particular word used in Titus 3:4-7

Lesson 10 is such an important one because when we are being kind is is not how we think we should be kind but something that others are actually in need of.  This is unselfish in every way.

11.  It is not unkind to ask people to be kind.  I struggled with this one as I think sometimes there is a point when it is ok to address the unkind.  I love this pillow I found.  It may not be totally appropriate in all situations, but it truly is a great pillow.  Wish I had purchased it.  I think not buying proves I am being kinder…maybe?


Thanksgiving is almost here.  A time to stop and be kind and thankful.  Don't approach it with an attitude of rushing or just "making it through." 

Cook with kindness.

Laugh with your family.

Shop with a grateful heart that you have food on the table.

Be kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another, even as God in Christ sake has forgiven you.   EPHESIANS 4:23

Family is an opportunity to be surrounded by love and kindness…change can start with you.

As you run into December right after November, hustling and bustling around, remember to be Kind.

Christians remember the kindness of God to us in celebrating Christmas.  Don't let the present buying sway you.  You don't have to have money to give the gift of kindness.  You can gift your time, your love or your presence to someone.

I look back at these 11 months and see it was better to be quiet and share less.

It was a much needed time for healing on the inside in me.

I may appear kind on the outside, but on the inside I sometimes battle the feeling of being caged up.  I want to take off and run as fast as I can (which won't be very fast and won't be very far) but I still battle it.

It has calmed down immensely in me this year.

I have taken kindness on my journey all year long.  Some have not noticed at all.
That makes me sad.

Some have even spoken to the complete opposite in me… 

that too makes me sad, but I can do better.

I want to be kind.

I feel I am well on my way.


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