The floods of my life...

Well, I once started to write the story of my life about 8 years started out about walking all along the ocean and how I loved the sand on the waters edge that was real smooth because all the waves crashed and ran up the beach and once it went away left a very smooth waters edge that took all the footprints away.

I know my life has been a series of wave crashing smoother...I wrote, sounds so beautiful, but what I failed to mention was that I had been tossled and tossed by all the waves and nearly drowned on my way to the smooth spot.

Why?  Sometimes i am left standing here just with a why.  Why did this happen?  Why that?
I guess I am not supposed to have all the answers, because then I would not continue to keep going to You to answer all my questions.  I have to be ok with not knowing it all.  I know that only You should know the answer to all of my questions, but it has been hard for me to give up that controlling part of me.

I feel a little bit beat up from the day yesterday.  The whole flood thing really left me standing there just saying why?  I did not sense and answer, so I guess You are not going to tell me on this one.  Just when I thought I did not have to go back out into that deep water, You send me there again for another swim to shore.

Help me be a strong swimmer.

Did I mention I would rather be sitting in my Adirondack chair at the waters edge reading a good book?
Please let that be me real soon.


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