You Live Every day...
I got really caught up in the YOLO thing for a while there. "You only live once." The more I said it, the louder I would hear this voice inside me telling me opposite. As a Christian I know that death is just the beginning of Living eternally, so right out of the gate I know I get to live twice. My life here on earth, and my life in heaven. The more and more I thought about it, the more I kept hearing this voice say to me...YOU LIVE EVERYDAY YOU WAKE UP, YOU ONLY DIE ONCE!
WOW! So true. I live every single day. I am not going to let my life or my motto's for this life be defined by what sounds good to others. I have learned to listen to that voice of Wisdom and Discernment inside of me that helps me navigate my way through life. The voice I am referring to is the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I know this might sound wacko and crazy to some of you, but for me, it is my truth and my reality.
The minute I start letting what is cool or popular to say become my philosophy for living, is the moment I have started sliding down that slippery slope of compromise.
The next time you hear something that sounds cool, but just does not sit well with you, take a minute to stop and pray and ask God if that really is the kind of thing you should be thinking about or saying. Now don't get all cra cra crazy on me and start over analyzing everything. I am just talking about when God whispers to you, you have to have moments in your life, where you are willing to listen.
So for me it's YLEDYWUYODO
Not as cool sounding as YOLO, but you get the point!
WOW! So true. I live every single day. I am not going to let my life or my motto's for this life be defined by what sounds good to others. I have learned to listen to that voice of Wisdom and Discernment inside of me that helps me navigate my way through life. The voice I am referring to is the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I know this might sound wacko and crazy to some of you, but for me, it is my truth and my reality.
The minute I start letting what is cool or popular to say become my philosophy for living, is the moment I have started sliding down that slippery slope of compromise.
The next time you hear something that sounds cool, but just does not sit well with you, take a minute to stop and pray and ask God if that really is the kind of thing you should be thinking about or saying. Now don't get all cra cra crazy on me and start over analyzing everything. I am just talking about when God whispers to you, you have to have moments in your life, where you are willing to listen.
So for me it's YLEDYWUYODO
Not as cool sounding as YOLO, but you get the point!