My first Blog...

At the insistance of my sister Victoria.  I set up this blog.  I can assure you that there are no qualifications for setting up a blog.  Originally I wanted to make tons and tons of money speaking my mind and telling people things that make them laugh, cry, and wish they were my best friend, but now I am looking at this thing called the computer and wishing I was just the girl who I was back in 1980.  I could sit down and write every thought that popped into my pretty little head in my diary.  Pencil in hand I would tell it like it was.  Every word or sentence I was never allowed to get off my chest would sit in that book.  I loved my diary....right up until the day when I found my sister Stephanie reading it!   Is nothing sacred?  All I can say is that from that point on I stated writing what I wanted other people to read if they found my diary and read it. 

I am all grown up now and can assure you that it happens still that at times I find myself writing in my Bible Study book the things I would want my husband to know if he read it...LOL! 

This blog is basically about nothing.   That is what most of my blog will be about but I hope you will find them interesting and I pray that you will relate to something in my reality so that I can feel...normal.

For the record
1. I am a horrible speller and hate spell check.
2. My punctuation marks may make no sense...keep reading you will understand.
3. I have a disorder where i get frustrated and yell out Jesus Take the Wheel so be prepared for it often.
4. I must confess...I have an this sick fasination with Reality shows and think if I could only be their friend i could help them.
5. I might offend you someday. 
6. I think I am my parents favorite child.
7. If someone would let me I could write a really sapy number one hit (love song)
8. My husband is perfect.
9. My children are not...give them a break if you know them.
10.  Don't take anything I say personally unless I say your name in this blog.  I will always say to your face what I would share with someone else. 


millisorcrn said…
I am not sure how or why, but I came across this blog today. You know me. ;) Crystal, the medical assistant... Many of your words, thoughts and expressions seems so familiar to me - I too, used to have a passion for writing - I too, eventually turned it into a means of communication for people who I knew would end up reading my words. Your blog was insightful and endearing. I didn't know you sang. I didn't know you had such an inquizitive mind in regards spirituality. Your photos are beautiful, by the way! Thanks for sharing your thoughts in this blog... why did you stop?

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